
In Space Lifter, you operate a transportation space station. Much like your UPS colleagues down on Earth, you have to pick the cargo from where it was left and deliver it as quickly as possible to its destination. In whole.

Various obstacles of natural and artificial sources are in your way and prevent this job from being completely automated.

The G-force of a nearby planet is pulling the ship down whenever in open space and you must periodically use the engine power to maintain latitude. Left and right ship bumpers help you navigate your way through space.

Other space stations and occasional rockets better be avoided, although they could also be neutralized by using an energy-hungry power shield.

The initial game release features 40 different playing levels of increasing difficulty, plus bonus mode levels. More levels will be added in future game versions and will come free to registered users.



Download the game package file. Its name will be either "" or "SpaceLifter.exe". The former is a compressed package that first needs to be decompressed and the former is a self-installing file for Microsoft« Windows OS.

Compressed files can be decompressed with WInZip, WinAce, StuffIt Expander and most other compression utilities.

Once the package contents are decompressed and extracted, locate the folder "Game" in it and double-click on each of the files there. Normally, you should see at least two files - "SpaceLifter.prc" and "OriginalPack.pdb". The first is the game program and the second is the data file with the original game levels. More data levels may be located in another folder of the installation, at our website or at the popular PalmOS download sites on Internet.



Upon each new assignment, watch carefully the landscape and make note of your initial fuel level.
Use any of the standard PDA buttons to skip the initial camera scroll through the playing field.

The four standard PIM hardware buttons on your PDA navigate the ship as follows:



Date Book

Turns on right-side push engines (push ship to left)

Address Book

Turns on left-side push engines (push ship to right)

To Do

Turns on main engine (push ship up)

Memo Pad

Turns on the energy field for a while

Pick up cargos  as soon as they appear on docks. Listen for the specific signal notifying you a cargo has been placed for delivery or periodically inspect docks for new deliveries.

Use the main ship engines to compensate the G-force and perform a soft landing. Monitor the fuel level and use it wisely to avoid falling short of it.

As soon as new cargo is loaded, its destination will be given and a time will be assigned for premium delivery. Making it to the specified destination within that time earns you more cash.

Do not leave the boundaries of the playing field or your object may get lost in space or get caught by the G-force and crash.

Watch out as other objects in space may surprise you and help you or harm you. Here are some of them:



Lost rocket by terrorists or fighters for freedom, all the same. Avoid them to stay alive.

Toxic haze clouds, released by ships without energy-star compliant engines. Block your own engines for a while, until the support robots clean the valves.

A passing by meteor can be dangerous for whole planets, let alone small ships.

Some absent-minded starship explorers occasionally forget to fix the fuel pack to their ships, thus giving others free extra fuel.

Communication satellites are very useful things, except when taken frontally. Actually, sometimes even then. They can't break the ship, but can easily push it out of its course.

Hey, this is a free Galaxy and everyone can lose what they feel like losing! If the Intergalactic Revenue Service has left a bunch of golden bars hover around, feel free to get them! It's tax free!

The nitro fuel enhancer boosts the burning power of the fuel cells, effectively resulting in faster ship acceleration and, usually, more noise.

Using anti-gravity packs can be sometimes useful and other times fun. However, make sure you do not mix it with the nitro fuel or you risk taking one-way flight to Somewhere.

The star gates are, well, gates. They periodically open and close and you could only pass through them when they are open. Direct collision is highly unadvisable.

In addition to the objects in the open space, there can be various cargos that need to be delivered:



Standard cargo. Count yourself lucky with this classic standard package and 2nd week delivery.

Explosives.  "Handle with care, especially upon delivery".

Fruits.  Deliver while fresh or take your financial responsibility.

Gemstones.  More time is allocated for the delivery task, but the risk is higher.

Metal scrap.  Ouch! The g-force has never been stronger with you, young Skywalker!

Fuel. Life has bright sides too. When transporting fuel you could use to power your own engines!



You can register and unlock your copy of the game at our website, PalmGear, or Handango.

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Contact Information

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See also: NetWalk

See also: Clickomania 2002

See also: Karateka

SpaceLifter for PalmOS, Karateka for PalmOS, NetWalk for PalmOS, Pilot Lines and BDicty are 
(c) 1997-2002 Beiks LLC
Palm and PalmOS are registered trademarks of Palm Inc.
All other trademarks in the document belong to their registered owners.